Patient & Visitors

patient support

Family & Friends

In order to best serve families and friends and ensure the safety of our patients, we ask that all visitors enter through the Shea Building (Atrium) and stop at the Information Desk for room location, directions or special instructions. If you need to enter after 8pm and before 5:30 am, please enter through the Emergency Department.

Hospital Visiting Hours

General: 12:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Maternity: 12:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Critical Care Unit: 24 hours (2 visitors at a time)
Ambulatory Care Unit: 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM (for those accompanying a patient)

Please be considerate of your loved one and any roommates. Spending time with your loved one is important and aids in healing. Rest is equally important and may be hard for someone to do with a constant flow of visitors even when visits are short. Coordinate with friends and family to allow rest periods. The health care team may limit the ages or numbers of visitors to ensure a safe and healthy environment for all.

Controlling infection is everyone’s responsibility. Wash hands before entering and upon leaving a patient’s room by using sink or hand sanitizers located near the doorway. Please follow any special instructions placed outside the patient’s room and wear appropriate protection. This protection is for you as well as others you may come in contact with after leaving the room.​

Windham Hospital

Need directions?

Download our visitor direction guide below:

Direction guide (English)

Direction guide (Spanish)